Fatigue Management
Guidelines for Safe Work Practices
The effects of fatigue represent a serious threat to safety at work. The short term effects can place workers at risk of causing accidents, possibly injuring themselves or those around them. Long term effects can lead to serious health issues such as high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, anxiety and depression.
Timing: 1 hour workshop
Who should attend: Workers, supervisors and managers concerned about maintaining a healthy and safe workplace. Including workers and their managers, who are involved in occupations at high risk of suffering fatigue, such as shift workers, night workers, FIFO workers, transport workers, emergency and medical workers, as well as those in highly stressful situations at work or elsewhere.
Workshop Overview:
- Fatigue defined
- Effects of fatigue
- Risk assessment
- Designing safe workplaces
- Obligations under the WHS Act
- Guidelines for managing workplace fatigue
- Fatigue checklist
- Questions and scenarios