10 January 2024
The South Australian Government is inviting feedback from stakeholders on the draft Work Health and Safety (Review Recommendations) Amendment Bill 2024.
At the 2022 State Election, the Government committed to undertake an independent review of the practices and processes of SafeWork SA.
The purpose of this review was to improve workplace safety, deliver prompt action on safety concerns, support improved physical and mental wellbeing in workplaces, and ensure a genuine voice for workers in complaint and resolution processes.
The Independent Review was conducted by Mr John Merritt, former executive director of WorkSafe Victoria, in late 2022. The review received feedback from a wide range of stakeholders and involved dozens of meetings with employer organisations, trade unions, safety professionals, and the families of victims of workplace accidents.
The Independent Review was publicly released in early 2023 and made several recommendations for legislative reforms to the Work Health and Safety Act 2012. Those recommendations were the subject of further public consultation between September and November 2023.
The Government has considered the recommendations of the Independent Review and public feedback provided through this consultation process, and now publishes a consultation draft of the Work Health and Safety (Review Recommendations) Amendment Bill 2024.
Fact sheets outlining key features of the draft bill have also been published.
The draft bill implements law reform recommendations from the Independent Review, making important amendments in relation to civil dispute resolution processes for work health and safety matters, right of entry, and to improve fairness for victims and families affected by serious workplace accidents.
The draft bill will be available for a period of public consultation for four weeks. If you wish to give feedback on the bill, this can be provided via email to AttorneyGeneral@sa.gov.au by Wednesday 7 February 2024.
The Government will carefully consider all feedback received from stakeholders before settling a final bill for introduction to Parliament.
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