HSR Level 1 Course 5-Days
Day 1: Interpreting the WHS Legislative Framework & its’ relationship to the HSR
- Understand the context of WHS legislation and practice
- Objectives and principles of the WHS Act
- Elements of the legislative framework
- Role and function of the regulator, interaction with HSRs
- Understand the safe work approach to work health and safety issues
- Duties and responsibilities of PCBUs under the legislation
- Duties and responsibilities of officers, workers, other parties
- Range of enforcement options
- Purpose and formation of workgroups
- HSR election process
- Disqualification provisions
- Understand the function of a health & safety committee
- Entitlements, rights and protections of an elected HSR/Deputy HSR
- Consultation process between PCBU and workers under the WHS Act
- Strategies for Consultation process
- Negotiation skills and strategies to resolve WHS issues
- Represent workers on health and safety issues
- Benefits of representation and constructive consultation
- Issuing a Provisional Improvement Notice (PIN)
- Directing cessation of work
- Contribute to risk management
- Understand management issues and concepts
- PCBU obligations relating to incident notification
- Assistance and support of inspectors and entry permit holders