Interactive SWMS guidance tool

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Welcome to the interactive Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) guidance tool

This tool is for:

  • people responsible for preparing and using a Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) for high risk construction work (HRCW)
  • a small business that has to prepare their own SWMS
  • people new to the construction industry.

This tool will help you understand:

  • what a SWMS does, how it makes a difference, and what the model work health and safety (WHS) laws say about preparing and using a SWMS
  • how to prepare a SWMS
  • how to use a SWMS in the workplace and keep it up to date.

It includes videos and activities to help explain how a SWMS works. You can work through the entire tool, or click on the module you are interested in below to go straight to the information you need.

Note: The interactive SWMS guidance tool deals with requirements under the model WHS laws. Check with your local regulator to find out if these requirements apply in the Commonwealth or your state or territory. See contact details in the Toolkit.


Module 1: Understanding a SWMS

Module 2: Preparing a SWMS

Module 3: Using a SWMS


Commonly used terms

18 high risk construction work examples