Short Courses

WHS Awareness

Awareness of responsibilities and creating a safety culture at work

Due Diligence

WHS Due diligence is mandatory for managers and officers

Sharps & Infectious Waste Handling

Skills required to handle sharps and infectious waste materials

Crisis Management

Preparation is critical to effective handling of a crisis

Emergency Procedures

Prepare emergency plans, evacuation, risk assessment

Fatigue Management

The effects of fatigue represent a serious threat to safety at work

Chain of Responsibility

New National Heavy Vehicle Regulations from 1st October 2018, including Load Restraint

Mental Wellbeing

Up to 1 in 5 workers may be suffering a mental health condition such as stress, anxiety, depression

Bullying & Harassment

Impact can be severe, affecting quality of life

Manual Handling & Ergonomics

Avoiding common work place injuries for manual handling and sedentary workers alike

Laser Safety

Safe use of lasers Level 1-3 Certification for Laser Safety Officers and Operators

Incident Reporting & Investigation

Responding to serious and mandatory notifiable incidents

Our Short Courses

Up to date information sessions and workshops across a wide variety of health, safety and leadership topics.

We come to deliver training in your work-place, including SA Regional locations, subject to minimum participants.

We are happy to tailor training to your particular needs, so contact us to discuss your training objectives.

We research all topics thoroughly and update regularly to bring together the latest information from credible sources such as current legislation, codes of practice, industry associations, State and Federal regulators and government bodies.