A step by step guide to improving the health of workers.

Healthy Workplace Toolkit
A step-by-step guide to creating a healthy, safe, and thriving workplace
The Wellbeing SA Healthy Workplace Toolkit is a practical guide for employers, managers and leaders to help create and maintain healthy workplaces.
The toolkit’s step-by-step process and supporting tools will help you plan, action and evaluate a workplace health and wellbeing strategy.
What’s included?
You can download the Healthy Workplace Toolkit as an interactive PDF (PDF, 4.7 MB) or access the content on this website. The toolkit includes:
- An explanation of what is a healthy workplace
- The reasons why you need to create one
- The critical success factors for a sustainable strategy
- The how to create a healthy workplace using the following steps
Each step outlines the purpose and benefits and includes resources and tools such as templates or fact sheets to help you take action. There is a checklist at the end of each step to review before moving on to the next.
How to use the toolkit
The most effective way to use the toolkit is to follow the steps in order.
- Read through the material at each step.
- Use the resources and tools to help you take action.
- Complete the checklist at the end of each step before moving onto the next.
If your workplace already has a strategy in place, then you can use the toolkit to reflect on how you developed the strategy and how you can strengthen it. You can dive in and out of each step and use the templates and resources to help you create a healthier workplace.
Who can use the toolkit?
Anyone can use the toolkit, but it’s been primarily designed for leaders who are responsible for people and culture, employee engagement, and workplace health and safety. This could be business owners, managers, work health and safety representatives, or human resource managers.
It doesn’t matter how big or small your organisation is, or what industry you work in, workplace health and wellbeing can be a part of your everyday workplace practices.
Workplace leaders can use their influence to create healthy workplaces, where health and wellbeing are embedded into business systems and the environment promotes and protects people’s physical and mental health. This means everyone working together to embed and integrate health and wellbeing into workplace practices.
For guidance on using the toolkit, free information and support is available to all South Australian workplaces through the Healthy Workplace Service.
For more information about the Healthy Workplace Toolkit, please email us at healthyworkplaces@sa.gov.au.