Report a workplace concern

afeWork SA takes work health and safety (WHS) seriously and we want to hear from you if you have any concerns about a South Australian workplace.

You can notify SafeWork SA about the following matters:

If you wish to make a report to SafeWork SA regarding any of the above concerns, please read the below information carefully and then complete the form below.

Report a workplace concern form

Close up of a man's hand typing on a computer in a dark room at work

Before notifying SafeWork SA

Before raising a workplace health or safety concern with us, reasonable steps should be taken to have any concerns resolved in the workplace.

These steps may include:

  • Reporting the issue verbally to your supervisor or manager
  • Reporting the issue via the workplace’s internal hazard reporting procedures
  • Raising the issue with a Health and Safety Representative
  • Raising the issue with management through your union representative

If these steps are unsuccessful or not appropriate you can contact us on 1300 365 255 between 9am-5pm weekdays (excl. public holidays) for advice.

If submitting a request for service regarding psychosocial hazards, first read our service standards to understand what SafeWork SA can and cannot do to assist.

General safety concerns

For SafeWork SA to take any action on a workplace safety concern, we will need certain information including:

  • the address of the workplace and location within the workplace where the safety issues are occurring
  • the nature of the safety issues (e.g. working at heights)
  • the name of the business or individual in control of the workplace
  • any other information that will assist us to respond appropriately to the safety concern being reported

Inspectors will not reveal the source of the reported information to any of the parties involved unless you consent.

You may choose to remain anonymous when notifying us of a safety concern, however, our inspectors will not be able to seek further information from you or provide feedback if requested.

Fireworks display complaints

Pyrotechnicians must notify us of their intention to conduct a fireworks, pyrotechnic or special effects display at least five clear business days prior to the date of display.

You can view all upcoming fireworks displays here.

If you have any concerns about the safety of a planned fireworks display, please complete this form.

Noise Complaints – to report noise complaints relating to fireworks, please contact the Environment Protection Authority.

Illegal Fireworks – to report the use of illegal fireworks, please contact the SA Police.

Lady with high vis vest holds head down as she sits on the floor from burn out

Psychosocial hazards (incl. bullying)

Psychosocial hazards & work-related stress, like any other physical health and safety risk, must be managed. Psychosocial hazards include:

Role overload, exposure to traumatic events, lack of role clarity, poor support, inadequate reward and recognition, poor procedural justice, poor change consultation, and harmful workplace behaviour e.g. bullying which is repeated and unreasonable behaviour, harassment and sexual harassment.

Work-related stress is the physical, mental and emotional reactions that occur when a worker perceives the demands of their work exceed their ability or resources to cope. Work-related stress if prolonged and/or severe can cause both psychological and physical harm. The longer that the work-related stresses continue unresolved, the higher the risk that a psychological injury will occur.

Bullying – if you believe you have been bullied at work, you should read the information provided on our bullying & inappropriate behaviours page before proceeding with any actions.

Sexual harassment – Sexual harassment is not always obvious, repeated or continuous. Unlike bullying, which is characterised by repeated behaviour, sexual harassment can be a one-off incident. Sexual harassment is a workplace hazard that causes psychological and physical harm. Sexual harassment can be physical, electronic or verbal.

If you need immediate support, the following services may help:

  • Lifeline on 13 11 14 – 24-hour counselling service providing emotional support in times of crisis
  • Headspace on (02) 9114 4100 – a national youth mental health foundation that helps young people between 12 and 25 who are going through a tough time.
  • MATES in Construction – is helping reduce the high level of suicide within the Australian construction industry.
  • Beyondblue – provides information and support to help everyone in Australia achieve their best possible mental health, whatever their age and wherever they live.
  • Heads Up – is a national campaign to support and create mentally healthy workplaces, with resources for employers, workers, managers and small business owners.
  • 1800RESPECT (national sexual assault hotline) on 1800 737 732 – is a counselling helpline, information and support to anyone whose life has been impacted by sexual assault, domestic or family violence.
  • Yarrow Place on 1800 817 421 – is an inclusive service for anyone who has been sexually assaulted and provides a variety of services for people aged 16 and above

If you believe we are the correct agency to contact, follow the below steps:

  1. Check that what is occurring is a psychosocial hazard/harmful workplace behaviour as described in the Model Code of Practice: Managing Psychosocial Hazards at work.
  2. Read the Psychosocial Hazards (incl. bullying) Service Standards which explains what you can expect from SafeWork SA, what SafeWork SA expects from you, and what SafeWork SA can and cannot do when you lodge a request for service.
  3. Lodge a request for service by completing this form.

For more information and resources, please see our Mentally healthy workplaces page.