Worker seriously injured after fall from ladder

SafeWork SA is issuing a safety alert to highlight the dangers of working at height on ladders.


On 10 April 2021, SafeWork SA received notification of a serious incident involving a worker at a quarry.

The worker sustained life threatening injuries after falling approximately 5 metres whilst carrying out planned maintenance work on a crusher plant.

Preliminary investigations suggests:

  • the injured worker had been carrying out a task which involved the use of an “A” frame ladder
  • the ladder was positioned on a raised platform where part of the guardrail had been removed
  • the worker was alone at the time of the incident when he fell from the platform.

Controlling the risk

SafeWork SA  remind businesses and workers to ensure the following safe systems of work are developed, implemented and maintained to minimise the risk of falls from heights.

  • Reasonable fall protection measures have been put in place
  • Comprehensive risk assessments have been undertaken when working at height
  • Persons working at height have been trained and assessed as competent in the controls to minimise the risk of  falls
  • Information, training and instruction are provided to a worker necessary to protect all persons from the risks arising when working at height, and
  • Workers exposed to risk of a fall are adequately supervised by a competent person.

Further information

Mining and quarrying

Code of Practice: Managing the Risk of Falls at Workplaces

Slips, trips and falls


Safe use of portable ladders: Video