Consultation on the impacts of the proposed introduction of new workplace exposure limits for 9 chemicals

afe Work Australia is consulting on the proposed workplace exposure limits (WEL) for 9 chemicals (benzene, chlorine, copper, formaldehyde, hydrogen cyanide, hydrogen sulphide, nitrogen dioxide respirable crystalline silica, titanium dioxide).

Consultation information

This consultation seeks feedback from stakeholders on the impacts of the proposed WEL for each of the 9 chemicals, as listed below.

Consultation is now open. We welcome responses from all stakeholders who work with or have an interest in the 9 chemicals.

Safe Work Australia has prepared a Consultation Paper containing analysis of the impacts of the proposed WEL for each of the 9 chemicals.

NOTE: The consultation paper has been updated to correct some typographic errors that were identified. Please download the latest version before finalising your submission.

The typographic errors identified and fixed in the consultation paper are summarised below:

Location Previous version of consultation paper Current version of consultation paper
Table 11, page 29 Total ‘specific cost’ for formaldehyde is $8 million over the 10-year period. Total ‘specific cost’ for formaldehyde is $38 million over the 10-year period.
Page 32 In-text references of Total costs for hydrogen cyanide is $255 million. In-text references of Total costs for hydrogen cyanide is $225 million.
Opening statement to ‘Costs of proposed WEL for respirable crystalline silica’, page 43 Total costs of the RCS (excluding mining) cost section is $25 billion. Total costs of the RCS (excluding mining) cost section is $2.5 billion.
Table 23, page 45 Total average benefits for RCS (excluding mining) in Table 23 is $41,678.5 (‘000 p.a.). Total average benefits for RCS (excluding mining) in Table 23 is $1,678.5 (‘000 p.a.).
Table 26, page 49 Average ‘Indirect benefits’ and ‘Productivity benefits’ for RCS (mining) is $13.5 (‘000 p.a.). Average ‘Indirect benefits’ and ‘Productivity benefits’ for RCS (mining) is $3.5 (Average benefits, ‘000 p.a.).
Submissions to this consultation will be used by Safe Work Australia to prepare an Impact Analysis for Work health and safety (WHS) ministers to help them decide whether to implement the proposed WEL for each of the 9 chemicals, and the timeframe for implementation.

Until WHS ministers make their decision on each proposed exposure limit, including the implementation timeframe, the current workplace exposure standard for the 9 chemicals applies.

Chemical Proposed WEL
Benzene TWA1: 0.2 ppm (0.7 mg/m3)
Chlorine TWA: 0.1 ppm (0.29 mg/m3)

Peak limitation3: 0.4 ppm (1.16 mg/m3)

Copper (fumes, dusts and mists) TWA (all forms): 0.01 mg/m3
Formaldehyde TWA: 0.3 ppm (0.369 mg/m3)

Short term exposure limit (STEL2): 0.6 ppm (0.738 mg/m3)

Hydrogen cyanide TWA: 0.9 ppm (1 mg/m3)

STEL: 4.7 ppm (5 mg/m3)

Hydrogen sulphide TWA: 1 ppm (1.4 mg/m3)

STEL: 5 ppm (7 mg/m3)

Nitrogen dioxide TWA: 0.2 ppm (0.38 mg/m3)
Respirable crystalline silica TWA: 0.025 mg/m3
Titanium dioxide TWA (respirable fraction; ultrafine/nanoscale particles): 0.3 mg/m3

TWA (respirable fraction; fine/pigmentary grade particles): 2.4 mg/m3

In the above table:

  1. An 8-hr time weighted average (TWA) is the maximum average concentration of an airborne contaminant calculated for an eight-hour working day, based on a 5-day working week (40 hours).
  2. A peak limitation is the maximum or peak concentration of an airborne contaminant measured over the shortest time possible, and not exceeding 15 minutes.
  3. A short term exposure limit (STEL) is the time weighted average maximum concentration of an airborne contaminant calculated over a 15 minute period.

Making a submission

Submissions are sought by 11:59 pm (AEDT) on Sunday 15 December 2024.

You can make a submission by completing the survey under the Have your say section and selecting the chemicals for which you want to provide a response.

You can decide how or if your submission is published on the Consultation Hub by choosing from the following options:

  • submission published with your name, your organisation’s name, or a pseudonym
  • submission published anonymously, or
  • submission not published.

Demographic data will be collected as part of this process through completing the submission form. You may choose to provide your contact details (including your name and contact number or email) for SWA to contact you to clarify your feedback, if required. This information will not be published on the Consultation Hub.

For further information, please see this consultation’s Privacy Collection Notice or contact Chemicals Policy at


In 2019, Safe Work Australia undertook a review of the workplace exposure standards (WES review) to ensure that the WES are based on contemporary evidence and provide the best protection for workers and others in the workplace.

WHS ministers agreed to changes to the WES for some chemicals and a harmonised transition for jurisdictions to implement the changes by 1 December 2026. From this date, the Workplace exposure limits for airborne contaminants will replace the current Workplace exposure standards for airborne contaminants.

In addition, WHS ministers have asked Safe Work Australia to conduct regulatory impact analysis on the proposed WEL for 9 chemicals – benzene, chlorine, copper, formaldehyde, hydrogen cyanide, hydrogen sulphide, nitrogen dioxide respirable crystalline silica, titanium dioxide. This consultation will be used to inform the impact analysis for WHS ministers.