26 February 2025
SafeWork SA has stripped the licence from an asbestos removal company after it allowed the demolition of two Kilburn homes without first removing the asbestos it contained.
The licence cancellation came into effect on 16 January 2025 and was part of a broader audit campaign targeting more than 100 licensed asbestos assessors and removalists.
SafeWork SA inspectors commenced an investigation into the demolition of two adjoining residential properties at Kilburn in October 2024, alleging that the company failed to identify and remove a licensable amount of asbestos containing material (ACM) prior to commencing mechanical demolition at the site.
Investigations found the site contained an estimated 23 sq m of ACM, which is significantly more than the licensable amount of 10 sq m.
The licence holder, who was also the nominated supervisor and competent person, was found to be unable to manage and carry out work involving asbestos safely and competently.
The company’s Class B Asbestos Removal Licence was cancelled for 12 months.
The Company is on notice that a number of conditions must be met before it can be considered to be issued with another licence in the future.
The SafeWork SA campaign ran from February to November 2024 and included 101 compliance audits targeting 55 licensed asbestos removalists and 46 licensed asbestos assessors.
A total of 57 statutory notices and 11 cautionary expiation notices were issued during the audits.
The leading reasons for issuing notices included the inadequate provision of decontamination facilities, failure to provide health monitoring and removalists not having training records available.
Asbestos has been classified as a known human carcinogen and the use of asbestos has been banned in Australia since 2003.
However, as a result of the widespread use of asbestos in the past, there remains a large amount of asbestos containing materials (ACM) in older buildings.
About 4,000 Australians die every year from asbestos-related disease.
Quotes attributable to SafeWork SA Executive Director Glenn Farrell
It is of critical importance that those who are granted an asbestos licence comply with all statutory requirements due to the inherently dangerous nature of asbestos.
The events on site at Kilburn demonstrates a disregard for safety standards, necessitating the cancellation of its asbestos removal licence to protect public health and safety.
Asbestos related breaches that put people at risk will not be tolerated and this should serve as a strong message to all those with responsibilities to keep workers and the public safe.
SafeWork SA’s role is to ensure the community can be confident in South Australia’s asbestos removalist licensing regime by taking action to cancel, suspend or refuse to renew an asbestos removal licence where there is evidence a removalist has not demonstrated safe and competent asbestos removal practices.
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