Regulator’s brake warning after miner pinned
The New South Wales Resources Regulator is urging mine operators to share a recent cautionary tale with workers to bring attention to correct brake procedure. The incident occurred at…
The New South Wales Resources Regulator is urging mine operators to share a recent cautionary tale with workers to bring attention to correct brake procedure. The incident occurred at…
The Healthy Workplaces Service can help you develop tailored solutions to complex and distinctive challenges your workplace may encounter. Our commitment goes beyond merely offering a service – we will…
Strengthened psychosocial legislation and an increase in psychological injury claims reinforces the need for workplaces to take a proactive approach to prevent and effectively manage workplace psychological injuries. Preventing psychological…
A Queensland-based cattle company and its director have entered into an enforceable undertaking to spend $200,000 on safety improvements after being charged over a serious crush injury that resulted in…
A paving manufacturer in South Australia has been fined $75,000 for failing to guard a conveyor belt roller and pinch point after a worker suffered serious injuries when his arm…
A grain transporter in Gippsland Victoria has been convicted and fined $350,000 after a truck driver died when he fell almost four metres from the top of a trailer. D&A…
SafeWork SA recently announced that it has undertaken a workplace audit of the South Australian Parliament House and issued a number of WHS improvement notices as a result. The compliance…
Workplace Health and Safety Queensland recently issued a safety alert highlighting the risk of crushing or fatal injuries if a vehicle or major components fall due to inadequate support. The…
‘How to lift’ training remains a common but ineffective strategy for preventing workplace musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), despite evidence it does not reduce injuries, according to research. Published in the International…
Industrial manslaughter is one area where there is increased risk for organisations, their directors and PCBUs, and WHS professionals need to be aware of the risks and dynamics that heightened…