Health care and social assistance Draws data from different sources to present an overall picture of work-related injuries and fatalities in the Health care and social assistance industry.

The statistics include trends in workers’ compensation claims, fatalities and other data broken down by jurisdiction, mechanism of injury or disease, type of vehicle involved in incident, type of activity…

Continue ReadingHealth care and social assistance Draws data from different sources to present an overall picture of work-related injuries and fatalities in the Health care and social assistance industry.

Manufacturing The statistics provided draw data from different sources to present an overall picture of work-related injuries and fatalities in the Manufacturing industry.

The statistics include trends in workers’ compensation claims, fatalities and other data broken down by jurisdiction, mechanism of injury or disease, type of vehicle involved in incident, type of activity…

Continue ReadingManufacturing The statistics provided draw data from different sources to present an overall picture of work-related injuries and fatalities in the Manufacturing industry.

Construction The statistics provided draw data from different sources to present an overall picture of work-related injuries and fatalities in the Construction industry.

The statistics include trends in workers’ compensation claims, fatalities and other data broken down by jurisdiction, mechanism of injury or disease, type of vehicle involved in incident, type of activity…

Continue ReadingConstruction The statistics provided draw data from different sources to present an overall picture of work-related injuries and fatalities in the Construction industry.

Road transport Focuses on WHS statistics for the road transport industry which includes buses, taxis and transporting freight by road.

The statistics include trends in workers’ compensation claims, fatalities and other data broken down by jurisdiction and mechanism of injury or disease. It also shows a breakdown of fatalities by…

Continue ReadingRoad transport Focuses on WHS statistics for the road transport industry which includes buses, taxis and transporting freight by road.

Safer, healthier, wealthier: The economic value of reducing work-related injuries and illnesses – summary report

Downloads Download PDF - 29.24 MB Safe Work Australia commissioned Deloitte Access Economics to undertake research exploring the cost of workplace injury and illness in Australia. Using innovative computable general equilibrium…

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