Serious hand injuries can drastically change a person’s life and yet in many cases, the injury could have been prevented with appropriate safety education and hand protection.
Aside from cuts, the most common type of hand injury is a crush injury, which occurs when a worker’s hand becomes trapped between two objects.
This can cause severe bruising, broken bones, nerve damage, and even amputation.
The next most common type of hand injury is an impact injury.
This type of injury is caused by a direct blow to the hand, which can cause fractures, dislocations, and deep tissue damage. Impact injuries can also be caused by repetitive motions such as hammering, which can cause carpal tunnel syndrome.
Safe Work Australia statistics show that:
- the wrist and hand were the most common site of injury at 38% of all work-related hospitalisations in Australia
- the majority of these involved fingers or thumbs (24% of work-related hospitalisations).
A recent report into the Safety Performance In The WA Mineral Industry- 2019/2020 also showed that:
- 16% of all serious injuries are hand related
- Onsite injuries sustained, consisted of the following types of hand injury:
- Hand Impact & Crush Injury – 56%
- Hand Cut and Laceration Injury – 33%
- Hand Penetration and Puncture Injury – 11%