WHS Awareness
Are you aware of your responsibilities?


Under federal and South Australian WHS legislation, all workers are required to take responsibility for their own safety, and that of the people around them at work.

In addition, PCBU’s (organisations), their managers and supervisors have a responsibility to ensure a safe and healthy workplace is maintained, and the requirements of the WHS Act and regulations are met.

Penalties for reckless conduct under the WHS Act are up to $3mil. For corporations/ government bodies and up to $600 000 and/or 5 years imprisonment for individual managers and supervisors.

Timing:  2 hour workshop

Who should attend:

The course is aimed at all workers, supervisors, Managers, and Directors of organisations who want an overview of Workplace Health and Safety Legislation, their personal responsibilities and how to go about creating a safety culture at work.

Workshop Overview: 

This course provides information on key elements of the WHS Act and Regulations to persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU’s) and their officers, managers, supervisors and workers.

Topics covered include:

  • Where to start, and what does it mean to you
  • Description of key concepts and definitions
  • Duties of parties according to the WHS Act
  • Duty of Care and Responsibility of workers and Managers
  • Understanding hazards and risks
  • Consultation and Risk Management
  • Hierarchy of control
  • Worker rights and responsibilities
  • Use of PPE
  • Emergency planning
  • Incident reporting
  • Developing a safety culture to protect ourselves and fellow workers
  • Questions and scenarios


Health and Safety Representatives