Laser Safety
Safe Use of Lasers, for use in Building and Construction

Laser safety officers require certification training. Laser operators must be trained to safely use laser equipment.

Lasers for building and construction types of tasks are commonly used for alignment, levelling, control and survey.  However many other industries also use the lasers of these classes, such as in mining and civil works.

The Work Health and Safety (WHS) Regulations impose certain requirements in relation to the safe use of laser equipment in a workplace. This includes the need for safety training.

Lasers in Classes 1, 1M, 1C, 2, 2M, and 3R can be used for construction work. However, hazards exist to workers in the area, so appropriate safety procedures need to be followed.

Timing:  1.5 hour workshop

Certification:  Certificate of Completion awarded for Laser Safety Officers

Who should attend:

The course is aimed at laser operators and laser safety officers, who use lasers in Classes 1 to 3R. Or anyone who works or supervises work in areas where lasers are in use.

Workshop Overview:

  • Laser classes and associated safety issues.
  • Laser classes for use in building and construction types of tasks.
  • Hazard identification and risk assessment on site.
  • Safety hierarchy of control, and application for laser safety.
  • Australian Standard 2397:2015 – Safe use of lasers in the building and construction industry.
  • Training, certification, safe operation and supervision of lasers in use/not in use.
  • Site signage, setup and control of laser use area.
  • Documentation and templates for hazard identification and risk assessment.
  • Safety precautions for laser safety.
  • Scenarios and questions. 
  • Laser Safety training is available either face to face, or online.